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May 31, 2024

Christmas Gorilla Group

Christmas Gorilla Group Christmas Gorilla Group is the newest Gorilla group in the Nkuringo sector of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. This group is the third gorilla group available for gorilla trekking in the Nkuringo Sector of Bwindi. Christmas gorilla group aptly named after the dominant silverback, “Christmas”. Who was born on Christmas day in...
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Busingye Gorilla Group

Busingye Gorilla Group The Busingye gorilla group one of the gorilla families found in Bwindi impenetrable forest national park in southwestern Uganda. Separated from the Kahungye group, this was inevitable. Since it was suspected that at one time Kahungye would split as it had 3 silver backs in a bigger group. However, The Busingye gorilla...
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Bushaho Gorilla Group

Bushaho Gorilla Group The Bushaho Gorilla Group is one of the habituated families in Nkuringo Sector of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. In 2012, some members of the Nkuringo gorilla group disappeared from the group and after countless efforts injected into searching them. It was realized that they had joined the Bushaho gorilla group. Also...
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Bikingi Gorilla Group

Bikingi Gorilla Group Bikingi Gorilla Group one of the existing gorilla groups ready for trekking. In the Rushaga sector of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. It got its name Bikingi from an area within Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park where the gorillas were first seen. The family provides an exceptional experience in the impenetrable forest....
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Bweza Gorilla Group

Bweza Gorilla Group The Bweza Gorilla Group is situated in the captivating Rushaga region of Uganda’s renowned Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. Which embodies a unique story of independence and exploration. With its fascinating history and intimate group size. The Bweza gorilla group has captured the hearts of visitors seeking an exceptional wildlife experience. Bweza...
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Binyindo Gorilla Group

Binyindo Gorilla Group The Binyindo family group a group of Mountain Gorillas found in the Buhoma sector. North of Bwindi impenetrable forest national park. This family of gorillas is the latest addition to gorilla families in the Buhoma sector of Bwindi impenetrable forest. The group  followed by rangers and researchers for about 3 years before...
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