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Gorilla Trekking

Mukiza Gorilla Group

Mukiza Gorilla Group Mukiza Gorilla Group also known as Kyaguliro B  found in Ruhija sector of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. The group led by the dominant silverback Mukiza.  Meanwhile, Mukiza Gorilla group  formed in May 2016 after splitting from the main Kyaguliro  “Kyaguliro A.” With continuous additions in the near future. This group composed...
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Rushegura Gorilla Group

Rushegura Gorilla Group The Rushegura Gorilla Group is an incredible and calm family that split off from the Habinyanja Family. By the time of the group’s habituation, it was led by Mwirima silverback around 2002. Rushegura group derived its name from a local word “Ebishegura”. Rushegura is the name of a place where the separation...
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Sectors of Bwindi

What are the 4 Sectors of Bwindi? Bwindi has 4 Sectors which are; Buhoma, Rushaga, Ruhija and Nkuringo. Gorilla Trekking is undoubtedly the most exciting activity to engage in on a Uganda Safari. The activity starts very early in the morning with a briefing from the Park headquarters, from here. You are assigned a ranger...
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Sempaya Hot Springs

Sempaya Hot Springs The Sempaya hot springs are located in Semiliki National Park in the western district of Bundibugyo. About 70km from Fort Portal Town. Semuliki National Park  one of the thick forested areas in Uganda, the forests also form part of the Great Ituri forests. That expands to some parts of the Democratic Republic...
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Mountain Hiking in Rwanda

Mountain Hiking in Rwanda Mountain Hiking in Rwanda, Rwanda is a compact Land-locked Country located in East Africa with just a total area of 26,338sqkm. Most of the sections in the Country are covered with Mountain ranges and hills hence becoming nick-named the “Country of athousand hills.” Mt Karisimbi is the tallest peak in Rwanda...
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Kwita Izina

Kwita Izina “Kwita Izina” is a Kinyarwanda word (Rwandese local language) that means “to give a name”. It refers to the act of naming a thing or a person.  Kwita Izina refers to an old tradition in the Rwandan culture. Where a community comes together to give a name to a newly born baby in...
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Rwanda Genocide Memorial

Rwanda Genocide Memorial The Rwanda genocide memorial centers  widely spread all over the Country with some. Being more prominent than others to commemorate the Rwandan genocide of 1994. Believed that over 800,000 people  killed in a space of 100 days which started in April 1994. The centers have exhibits of remains, pictures and personal belongings...
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Kigali City

Kigali City Tour Kigali City is the capital city of Rwanda. It is also the largest City located in the heart of Rwanda and one of Africa’s cleanest Cities. The history of Rwanda dates back centuries, Kigali has been a part of it for over 100 years. Founded in 1907 as a German settlement, Kigali...
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Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda

Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda, Rwanda offers some of the best primate tracking on the planet. Set against the backdrop of its rolling green hills and soaring mountain sides. With over half of the World’s remaining population of mountain gorillas, it’s no surprise that the majority of guests visit Rwanda. To track...
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Gorilla Trekking Adventure in Uganda

Gorilla Trekking Adventure in Uganda Gorilla Trekking Adventure in Uganda a Wildlife activity that involves hiking through the dense Forests in search for Habituated Mountain Gorilla Families you have been assigned to. This activity is done with the help of a ranger guide who takes you through the trek. Uganda has a unique responsibility of conserving...
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